Cattleya Species and new Hybrids Cattleya Alliance

Cattleya Species and new Hybrids Cattleya Alliance
Cattleya Alliance

Cattleya Species and new Hybrids Cattleya Alliance

Different size of Hybrids Cattleya Alliance

Cattleyas are usually mentioned consistent with their plant sizes. These are the categories and criteria that are used :

Micro-Mini : under 4 inches tall, Mini : 4 inches to eight inches tall, Compact : 8 inches to 12 inches tall, Standard : over 12 up to 24 inches tall

Light for Hybrids Cattleya Alliance

Cattleya plants need an honest amount of sunshine to grow and flower well. an honest guide as to if or not a plant is getting the right light is the colour of the leaves. they ought to be a medium green, instead of a dark lush green. The pseudobulbs should be straight and upright, without having support. Micro-mini and Mini types typically require less light, and may be grown alright under fluorescent lights, a mean east or west window or filtered south window. Compact and standard catts may require more light to bloom, especially if they're unifoliate. Unifoliate means they never have quite one large leaf at the highest of the pseudobulbs. Bifoliates (2 or more leaves at the top) have a lower light requirement. If you discover that your larger cattleyas aren't blooming, then try a brighter east or west window, or less filtered south window. you would possibly also verify that your fertilizer doesn't contain an excessive amount of nitrogen, which could suppress blooming.

Cattleya Alliance Flower and Green Leaves
Cattleya Flower and Leaves

Temperature for  Hybrids Cattleya Alliance

The best temperature range for growth and flowering is 27 ° C during the day, and 16 ° C in the dark . However, these plants are very resilient and may tolerate a wider range of temperatures if the humidity and watering are adjusted. An honest rule of thumb is to extend humidity and watering at higher temperatures, and reduce both of them at lower temperatures. Lower temperatures will give brighter and more uniform coloration of the orange and red mini-catts, due to the Sophronitis in their backgrounds. At higher temperatures, especially night temperatures, your red cattleya could produce blooms that are more orange in coloration.

Watering and Humidity for Hybrids Cattleya Alliance

Cattleya plants have evolved water storage organs to face up to periodic drying in their native habitats. For this reason, it's recommended that plants in cultivation be allowed to travel nearly dry between waterings. Mature plants generally got to be watered about once per week, smaller plants perhaps every 4-5 days during most of the year. At cooler times of the year, plants could also be left a touch longer between waterings. When unsure , wait each day to water. Always water thoroughly, allowing water to empty well through the drainage holes within the bottom of the pot.

Our Plants

The seedlings that we sell in 2.5 inch pots are usually potted in sphagnum , which accelerates their growth at this size. Watering once per week is typically adequate, ensuring that the moss feels somewhat dry before applying water. Leave them during this mix for a few years. The plant will likely be to the sting of the pot, or slightly over the sting by now . Then graduate the pot, take stock to a 3 inch pot and little bark mix. Either pre-wet the bark, or drench thoroughly after repotting. For pot sizes 4 inches and bigger we usually use a coarser bark mix for rock bottom half the pot and top it off with smaller bark mix to extend moisture retention and humidity for the basis mass.

Tip : There are certain Cattleya-type plants that are very slow to supply new roots, and sometimes will produce just one or 2 roots per bulb. Most notably B. digbyana, C. dowiana, C. aurea and C. violacea are notorious for this issue. Be VERY careful when repotting these species, or direct hybrids of them. make sure you've got the pot drenched several hours before repotting to attenuate damage to the roots, and to make sure that you simply aren't mistakenly trimming off live roots. NEVER cheat roots, as this may leave an open sore, and cause the plant to rot. Always use a pointy , sterilized tool (knife/scissors/shears/etc hydrogen per oxide or Isopropyl alcohol.) 

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