Cultivation of Fig in the right way and test

Ripen Fig and Green Leaves
Ripen Fig and Big Green Leaves

 Photo: By Eric Hunt and  Woodlot

Which is the best tasting fig

The Black Mission variety is very sweet and very popular. The car looks purple

Colored skin and dusty pink interior. Aromatic smell.

Brown turkey figs are lightly flavored and dark brown.

Calamirna figs are green, larger and taste a bit like nuts. This fig is the original home of Smirna. When California farmers began cultivating it, they changed the name to Kalimirna.

What is the coldest cultivable fig tree?

The three most common cold hard figs are Chicago, Celeste and English Brown Turkey. They are also referred to as members of the common figure family. Ordinary figs are self-fertile and have a variety of varieties, different in taste, color and growth habits.

Which country produces the best figs?

Turkey is the world's leading producer and consumer of figs. With an annual production of 305,450 metric tons, the country produces more than 20% of the world's figs and more than half of the world's dried figs.


Overview Latin name — common fig tree Common name — common fig tree — Adriatic Fig — Symrna Fig Family- dicot family (same family as Mulberry) Native vary — A temperate species native to southwest Asia and therefore the Mediterranean region (from Asian nation to Portugal) Description — A tall deciduous ligneous plant or tiny tree reaching a height of concerning ten m. Single or multi stemmed What area unit the uses of figs — The fruit is ingested contemporary, dried in confectionery, brewed as associate drink or used as a laxative. The fruit may be a supply of Ca, sugar, iron, copper, carbohydrates, potassium, and antiophthalmic factor. The leaves area unit used as potherbs or fed to eutherian and dried will be used for tea. The tree is additionally adult for shade and has price within the decorative garden.

Figs Growing amount — The mature cycle is 120–150 days. Some varieties turn out one crop annually, others two. Trees are glorious to measure as long as two hundred years.

Figs Growing conditions — Fig thrives best in areas of moderate ratio and may be adult at higher elevations in areas of low downfall. Fig needs some dry months significantly at the flowering and mature periods and a few sources state that they need some winter chilling. they're light-weight stern plants and can grow best with eight hours or a lot of of direct daylight. Fig will grow in just about any soil sort however like a sandy-clay dirt inside a hydrogen ion concentration vary of vi.0 to 8.0 tolerating soils with high lime content. A soil depth of 1–1.5 m is ample for growth. Figs can even grow in rocky areas from water level to one,700 meters.

Figs Growing behaviour — Figs area unit a shallow fibrous nonmoving species, though betting on location, the roots could unfold laterally and vertically. Figs could have single stemmed tree like growth or multi-stemmed ligneous plant like growth and sometimes send up suckers from the bottom of the tree and spreading branches that area unit low to the bottom. Fig wood is weak and decays speedily. The leaves emerge in late spring and in our climate drop shortly once the primary frost in late fall. Fig fruit is borne on the new spring new growth though some plants turn out 2 crops referred to as the breba crop. The breba fruit develop at the nodes or leaf axils of last year’s wood. Leaves totally emerged and ripening fruit borne on this year’s growth. Fig ripening month — Fruits typically ripen from August — October betting on vascular plant and climate. Some trees turn out what's known as a breba that area unit fig fruits that develop throughout the spring on the previous year’s shoot growth, followed by the most fig crop that develops on the new shoot growth and ripens in late summer or fall. In cold climates the breba crop is commonly destroyed by spring frosts. . Ecological impact — Fig fruit is a crucial food supply for a lot of of the fauna in some areas, and therefore the tree owes its enlargement to people who kill its fruit. Seed is spread by birds and mammals that scatter the seeds in ordure. we frequently notice varied bees and wasps feeding on openings within the fruit created by birds. We’ll leave a number of the fruit on the tree for different organisms and perpetually have many figs.

4 kinds of Fig Figs will be divided into four distinct classes • Common: don't need impregnation for fruit set • San Pedro: needs no impregnation for the primary crop (called the breba crop) however needs impregnation of the second crop • Caduceus/Smyrna : needs impregnation so as to line fruit • Capri or Male: typically non-edible figs during which the insect lives Within these classes one will notice over 750 cultivars!! The fig contains a lot of present varieties than the other tree crop. Fig Cultivars/Varieties — Fig cultivars have several distinctive characteristics like compact to spreading growth habits, fruit color, shape, style and size, plant robustness etc. Cold Hardy Fig Cultivars — though typically thought of a Mediterranean plant there area unit several figs that are cultivated to face up to cold climates in some cases withstanding winter lows of -20 C. Young figs area unit a lot of sensitive to cold winters than larger figs thus it’s best to over winter young plants even perhaps grow on in a very pot till a decent system has established particularly if you're growing Fig on the bounds of the atmospheric condition they're acquainted with. According to some sources figs but 2 to 5 years previous area unit doubtless to shrivel to the bottom throughout terribly cold winters. terribly wet winter soils build a fig a lot of doubtless to pass. sensible web site choice and soil preparation beside a generous winter mulch will go on thanks to forestall this. It’s potential that one amongst the hardiest figs on the world was developed here in Bulgaria. A vascular plant named ‘Michurinska 10’ is usually adult here at altitudes higher than one thousand m elevation in areas that receive extreme winters lows of below -20. The fruits area unit tiny however varied and sweet once ripe which might be from early as late August through to early October. in a very hot dry summer like we've had this year, the fruits will be left on the tree to dry and keep well into the winter. choosing them ripe ,splitting them in 2 and going within the automobile put within the sun for a couple of days is additionally terribly effective.

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