Tillandsia gardneriTillandsia gardneri is native to Trinidad & Tobago, Colombia, eastern Brazil (as far south as Rio Grande do Sul) and Venezuela. They grows as an epiphyte on trees and other plants in tropical dry areas from near water level to 1600 meters above sea level. Tillandsia gardneri also called as Anoplophytum rollissonii, Anoplophytum incanum, Tillandsia fluminensis, Tillandsia regnellii, Tillandsia cambuquirensis, Tillandsia venusta, may be a species of the Tillandsia . This species was described by John Lindley in 1842. Air Plant-Anoplophytum rollissonii TILLANDSIA GARDNERI IDENTIFYTillandsia gardneri is native to Trinidad & Tobago, Colombia, eastern Brazil (as far south as Rio Grande do Sul) and Venezuela. They grows as an epiphyte on trees and other plants in tropical dry areas from near water level to 1600 meters above water level . It is an epiphytic perennial, medium-sized species, which reaching 26-30 cm in diameter and 17-20 cm long , with alittle , only 12-25 cm high and wide rosette form from 10-27 cm long, triangular to filiform acuminate, without distinction between sheath and blade, 15-20 mm wide, silvery grey or grey-blue, flexible, lepidote soft and velvety leaves. This air plants blooms from late spring to late summer with 3 to 12, rosy-red to pale lavender-pink with 3 sepals and three petals, funnel-shaped flowers with spreading terminal lobes and green-pink floral bracts. TILLANDSIA GARDNERI CARE AND CULTURE Cultural information should only be used as a guide, and will be to be adapted to suit you. Your physical location; where you grow your plants, what proportion of time you've got to devote to their care, and lots of other factors, will have to be taken under consideration . Only then are you able to choose the cultural methods that best suit you and your plants. Light and temperature: Tillandsia gardneri loves powerful and bright light, without direct sun within the hottest hours (from 12 to 16, when it needs protection with a curtain or with a touch shade of other plants). During the spring-summer period, it likes to remain outdoors, during a position shielded from excessive rains and possibly from the direct sun of lunchtime. the specified temperature starting from 10 to 32°C. It's quite immune to cold and with appropriate adaptation it can withstand low temperatures: up to 2-3 ° C. Mounting: This species can be mounted on a solid substrate that doesn't retain water. you'll glue the plant on to the surface with a robust adhesive, otherwise you can wire the plant to the bottom . Don't cover the bottom of the plant with moss or it's going to rot. It is often grown on almost any imaginable decorative mount, including shells, rocks, slate, driftwood, etc. they will even be grown on slabs of bark or fern fiber which permit the plants to dry out between watering. Watering: Tillandsia gardneri should be water frequently and abundantly: a day during the recent months, especially once they are placed outdoors (in this case during the summer it also gets water twice a day); in winter, the interval between watering are often 2-3 days (if the air isn't excessively dry: ie the humidity is a minimum of 50%). Fertilizer: Fertilizing isn't absolutely necessary to survival, but will increase the expansion and vigor of the plants and their blooms. This species needs a fertilizer which will be absorbed directly into the plant via the leaves and use Bromeliad fertilizer (17-8-22) twice a month in summer, once a month in winter . BUY ANOTHERS SPECIES AND VARIETIES OF TILLANDSIA HERE! |