Some expert tips enhance the beauty of orchids.

Light Water winds for Orchids

 Watering for Orchids

Proper watering is the first and most critical aspect of orchid care.While it’s true that different varieties have different preferences, it’s easy to determine the water needs of all orchid varieties. The best way to determine if your orchid needs water is to judge the weight of the container, or to use a finger to test the moisture level of the soil and roots. A container that is light or dry to the touch means it’s time for water. Give your orchid no more than an ounce of room temperature water. Check each week and repeat the water as needed. Keep in mind that the most common mistake in orchid care is over-watering.

Some people use ice cubes instead of water, which is not entirely accurate. For orchids it is important that the room temperature and water temperature are equal.

Rain water is god chosen for Orchid watering, Collect and use rainwater instead tap water .

Light and Temperature for Orchids

Generally speaking, commercial hybrids  are not  too picky   about light and temperature.

Orchids  don’t love direct sunlight. Rather,  place your orchids  someplace  where  they  will receive plenty of bright, indirect light. This is quite easy in most homes and offices environments.As for temperature, your orchid will be comfortable if you are. Don’t let your orchid get above 90 or below 60 degrees for long periods and it will happily grow. 

Orchids can bloom repeatedly if you take a few simple steps. Because orchids are big-hearted plants, they do not get tired of flowering, some of the nutrients, some of the pruning guarantees, new blooms.

When your orchid stops blooming, cut off the old bloom. After that, start banning it every week with a balance plant fertilizer (20-20-20) mixed with half the energy. Orchids must be soaked in plain water before applying fertilizer,

For the best results, take your orchid to a cool environment where nighttime temperatures range from 55 to 65 degrees until a new flower spike emerges. Return your plant to its normal position and continue watering as needed.

Wild Mini Orchid

Places where there is no ventilation are not good for orchids, places are good for fungus attack, so choose a place where air flow is good. Fans are a good choice, but keep orchids away from the hot air behind the AC.

Orchids can bloom repeatedly if you take a few simple steps. Because orchids are big-hearted plants, they do not get tired of flowering, some of the nutrients, some of the pruning guarantees, new blooms.

When your orchid stops blooming, cut off the old bloom. After that, start banning it every week with a balance plant fertilizer (20-20-20) mixed with half the energy. Orchids must be soaked in plain water before applying fertilizer,

For the best results, take your orchid to a cool environment where nighttime temperatures range from 55 to 65 degrees until a new flower spike emerges. Return your plant to its normal position and continue watering as needed.

Places where there is no ventilation are not good for orchids, places are good for fungus attack, so choose a place where air flow is good. Fans are a good choice, but keep orchids away from the hot air behind the AC.

Mini-Orchid | Bonsai orchid


The popularity of mini orchids in the commercial orchid market is skyrocketing now, as these mini orchids are very popular in small flats. Being small, the price is also cheap and the transportation is convenient. This is of great interest to new orchid lovers. Orchids can be kept in tea cups, hence the name Cup Orchid. A great option to give as a gift.

We can easily name the mini orchid as Bonsai Orchid. Maybe we will see micro orchids the next day.

Mini orchids will grow extra leaves and flower stalks but they will never grow to the height or overall size of a normal Phalaenopsis.

Like their larger-sized cousins, Mini Phalaenopsis will often bloom two to three times a year.  We 

Mini Care

These plants have the same needs as their larger counterparts: humidity, light, and warm temperatures. 


Water: Because of the smaller pot size, oftentimes they will require less water than a traditional phal. We suggest that you water once weekly, making sure the pot drains entirely through the drainage holes. If you keep the plant indoors, you may need to lightly mist your mini to add humidity. Or, you can place the orchid pot in a container of water and pebbles making sure the pot is sitting on top of the rocks and not directly in the water.


Temperature:  Your orchid will enjoy the same temperatures that you do in your home. Keep your plant in a location that ranges between 65 and 80° F.


Light: Place your mini in a bright location but avoid direct sunlight which may burn the leaves. Typically, southern or eastern facing windows are best. 


Plant Food: Use a water soluble, balanced plant food designed for orchids. Follow the care instructions on the label.

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