Variegated Monstera Adansonii | Swiss Cheese Plant


Does anyone want to get a beautiful variety of plants with perforated creeping large leaves? First the name Monstera Adansonii will come to the fore.

This tropical creeper can grow up to about 10 feet tall inside the house or even in an open outdoor space. Adolescent leaves are flat-bodied green parts of which vary from white to pale. Moreover, these leaves grow to develop beautiful pores. This plant looks great enough to decorate any corner of your home or garden.

This varied adansoni can grow in hanging baskets, pots and pans. In addition, you can grow them outdoors in a backyard with a moderate climate.

A little different than the simple Monstrous, this plant will still be an easy peek for all of you. Please keep reading to learn more about the care and propagation of the fascinating Monstera Adansonii diverse plant.

Variegated Monstera adansonii Classification

Family:  Araceae.

Genus: Monstera.

Species: M. adansonii.

Genus Monstera:

The genus comprises around 48 tropical flowering plant species. They belong to the rainforests of America. The basic feature of the majority of these plants is the unique perforated structure of their leaves. Moreover, it is responsible for the name coming from the Latin word, meaning ‘Monstera’.

These evergreen Hemi-epiphytes climb upon the trees with the help of their aerial roots. On the other hand, they grow expanded on the soil in their initial age. The low-maintenance and attractive appearance adds the majority among the popular houseplants.


Other Names

  • Variegated ‘Cheese Plant’.

  • V. ‘Window leaf Plant’.

    Other variations of Monsteras

    • Monstera Deliciosa.

    • Monstera Borsigiana.

    • Monstera Variegata.

    • Monstera Adansonii.

    • Monstera Pinnatipartita.

    • Monstera Dubia.

    • Monstera Siltepecana.

    • Monstera Obliqua.

    Other variations of Monsteras

    • Monstera Deliciosa.

    • Monstera Borsigiana.

    • Monstera Variegata.

    • Monstera Adansonii.

    • Monstera Pinnatipartita.

    • Monstera Dubia.

    • Monstera Siltepecana.

    • Monstera Obliqua.

    Height and structure:

    • The height is dependent upon several features like the species and the growing space. The indoor peeps remain around 10 feet tall. However, they can get much taller in the wild.

    • The young plants give a bushy look with stems growing upwards. While the grown-up plants develop into vines with long dangling stems. You can shape them according to your taste by adding supporting poles, plant hooks, or making hanging baskets.


    • These variegated leaves can get about 2 to 3 feet on maturity. While the average size in the initial years remains around 7 to 10 inches.


    Due to the higher levels of calcium oxalate crystals in the foliage, toxicity runs in the genes. Close contact can cause skin allergy and itching. Moreover, ingestion may lead to irritation of the lips, mouth, and oesophagus. So, make sure kids and pets are not mingling with your Monstera adansonii Variegated Plant.  In case of emergency, don’t delay getting emergency medical help.

    variegated Monstera adansonii Care

    The Variegated Monsteras need a little more attention than the simpler ones. Still, however, this one comes under a low-maintenance peep.

    Quick Guide:

    Water: Moist soil.

    Sunlight: Very bright but indirect.

    Humidity: Loves high humidity but tolerates average range.

    Fertilizer: Mild dosage in spring and summer.

    Let us dive deeper to learn the details;

    Water Requirement

    These tropical native Monstera Adansonii Variegata plants love to stay in moist soil. Howbeit, it doesn’t mean you need to keep it drenched all the time. The basic strategy is to water the soil and let the upper layer get dry before the next watering.

    The watering frequency usually depends upon temperature, humidity, and sunlight. An estimated limit for spring and summer is around once or twice a week. While the nutritional requirement of the plant decreases on the colder days. Hence, once every two to three weeks is usually enough for the fall and winter.

    Wet and soggy soil prevents oxygen from reaching the roots. This leads to some serious issues like root rot. So, make sure you never overdo the watering. If you are a beginner, it is better to check the upper 2 inches with your finger. Wait and water right after it gets dry. You may need to check a few times, especially in the beginning.

    Sunlight Requirement

    A long duration of very bright but indirect light is ideal for these plants. The lack of chlorophyll in the variegated plants increases their requirement for sunlight.  A north or east-facing window is ideal for this bright light without the direct sun blaring down the leaves.

    You can also consider using artificial light. The plant will need it throughout the year for a duration as long as 10 hours a day. Just make sure to place the light at a suitable distance from the plant according to its size and intensity.

    Temperature Requirement

    The ideal temperature range for the majority of the Monstera plants is between 19 to 26°C. Don’t ignore their intolerance for severe temperatures especially in winter. Cold and frost can destroy and even kill the plant. So, make sure to place the plant at some warm indoor spot before nature starts showing orangish hues in the fall.

    Soil Requirement

    These plants need rich and well-draining soil or a growing mixture. Moreover, it should be acidic to neutral with the ideal PH level between 5 to 7.5.   Adding peat moss or bark along with the mixture enhances the drainage capacity of the soil.

    Humidity Requirement

    You can estimate the love for the humidity of these plants by their native habitat. These tropical plants look lush and healthy in an ideal range of humidity higher than 90%. Although they can tolerate medium humidity levels extra dry days can put a troll on their health. So, you need to maintain an adequate level for fall and winter.

    There are different methods for enhancing the humidity for your Adansonii Variegated plant. You can mist the foliage mildly once or twice a month. However, make sure the plant is standing at a well-ventilated place to avoid rotting of foliage.

    Using a pebble-water tray under the plant pot is one of the most convenient methods. Moreover, you can group the plants or use a humidifier in the surroundings.

    Fertilizer Requirement

    The variegated foliage having lesser chlorophyll needs additional nutrients. So, fertilizer is more important for this plant as compared to the other ones. Use a common houseplant fertilizer once or twice a month in the growing season. On colder days, the plants don’t grow much and the nutritional requirements. So, make sure you stop fertilizing right before the fall.

    Pot and Repotting Requirement

    Choose a spacious pot with drainage holes at the base. Your Variegated Adansonii plant is good to go without frequent repotting until about 3 years. Roots growing out of the drainage holes are a sign showing it’s time to repot. Select a pot only 2 inches bigger than the previous one. Any excess place in the pot makes the roots uncomfortable. Also, it stresses out the plant which results in plant diseases like pest attacks.

    Place Requirements

    The delicate Monstera leaves need to stay away from the drifts. So, don’t place them directly in front of an open window. Additionally, keep the plant away from direct exposure to devices like air-conditioners and heaters.

    Growth Zones

    The USDA growing zones 9b to 11 have moderate climates. If you are living in these zones, feel free to grow them outdoors as hardy peeps throughout the year.

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